Beyond Anthropocentrism
2nd Posthuman Studies Workshop
Saturday 9 February
Aula Magna
John Cabot University
Via della Lungara 233
00165 Rome, Italy
On behalf of the Department of History and Humanities, Brunella Antomarini, Silvia Panizza and Stefan Lorenz Sorgner are honored to present a one-day workshop on the increasingly pressing question of the limits of the human, this time approached by questioning the boundaries between humans and other animals.
Human-centered thinking continues to come under scrutiny in the light of technological developments and of current environmental damages and harm to non-human animals. Therefore, this workshop addresses urgent issues of planetary importance, by redefining the concept of humanity and its special status, and the ethical concept of personhood.
Students, faculty, and external speakers will engage in debates on two key questions: the boundaries between humans and other animals, considered in their moral dimension, and the conditions for animal personhood.
The workshop will involve both JCU students and JCU professors, as well as external scholars, in three roundtable sessions.
Beyond Anthropocentrism
Saturday 9th of February 2019
2nd JCU Posthuman Studies Workshop
11:45-12:00 Welcome address by the organizers
12:00 – 13:30 Should there be non-human persons? & Can ethics be non-anthropocentric?
Sheran Munasinghe Arachchige
Ihsan Baris Gedizlioglu
Jessica Lombard
Nicolas Lombardo
Eduardo Servillo
Camilla Palermo
Jessica Lombard
Steven Umbrello
13:30 – 14:30 Lunch break
14:30 -16:00 Can ethics be non-anthropocentric?
Keynote speaker: Simone Pollo, La Sapienza
Alessandro Fazzi
Antonio Lopez
Silvia Panizza
Dario Cecchi
16:00 – 16:15
Coffee break
16:15 – 16:30
Video by Salvatore Iaconesi and Oriana Persico
16:30 – 18 Should there be non-human persons?
Alberto Micali
Brunella Antomarini
Stefan Lorenz Sorgner