Title: 10th JCU Posthuman Studies Workshop: Exploring Space Ethics and the Posthuman Frontier Date: 16th of March 2024 Location: Aula Magna, John Cabot University. Via Lungara 233, Rome, Italy Keynote Speaker: Prof. Mirko Garasic, Roma Tre University Organizer: Prof. Stefan
Animaloids and Plantoids
6th JCU Posthuman Studies Workshop Animaloids and Plantoids 70th Anniversary of Transhumanism Dedicated to the Huxley Family Increasing attention for animals and plants by ethologists, biologists and cognitive scientists has developed from early modernity, that is to say, since exploration
Truth, Relativism and the Posthuman Paradigm Shift
5th JCU Posthuman Studies Workshop Truth, Relativism and the Posthuman Paradigm Shift November 28th (Saturday), 2020, 5.30 pm ~ 8.45 pm CET Hosted by the History and Humanities Department of John Cabot University in Rome https://www.johncabot.edu/history-humanities/ Charles Sanders Peirce once
Sex – 4th JCU Posthuman Studies Workshop
During the workshop, we will talk about everything from sex robots, to non-binary accounts of sexuality and post-gender theories. Please contact Prof. Sorgner, if you are interested in attending and/or participating in the event the event: www.sorgner.de Will sexual identity
AI: Ontology, Ethics, Aesthetics
AI: Ontology, Ethics, Aesthetics 3rd Posthuman Studies Workshop Organized by the History and Humanities Department of John Cabot University Organizers: Brunella Antomarini, Francesco Lapenta, Stefan Lorenz Sorgner SEPTEMBER 21, 10am-6PM Boardroom GUARINI CAMPUS JOHN CABOT UNIVERSITY, Via della Lungara 233
Beyond Anthropocentrism
Beyond Anthropocentrism 2nd Posthuman Studies Workshop When? Saturday 9 February Where? Aula Magna John Cabot University Via della Lungara 233 00165 Rome, Italy On behalf of the Department of History and Humanities, Brunella Antomarini, Silvia Panizza and Stefan Lorenz Sorgner
THE WORK OF ART IN POST-HUMAN TIMES Workshop on Aesthetics by Brunella Antomarini Stefan Lorenz Sorgner Programme: AESTHETICS WORKSHOP 2018new1 Saturday September 8, 2018, John Cabot University in Rome On behalf of the Department of History and the Humanities of